020 8304 7237
Privacy Policy
At Alpha Health, we respect our patients privacy and are committed to its security.
We are required by our regulating body to obtain personal information including a medical history, name, age, address and date of birth. Other information stored includes phone numbers and email addresses, which are only used by and available to clinic staff. This information is recorded as it is necessary for the appropriate management of patients. We may contact you via phone or email to provide rehabilitation exercise information, send invoices, send receipts (for example, to be used as evidence of treatment with insurance companies), provide appointments reminders, to make appointments or to amend appointments.
If you are using our Online Booking service, then you will be required to provide all of the above information in order to book an appointment.
There a number of instances where we may process data differently to that mentioned above:
During telephone or email conversations, we may keep a record of the correspondence for medical notes
We may ask patients to complete surveys for clinical audit. These are optional and are only used for the purpose of improving the services Alpha Health can provide
Personal information is only ever shared with external sources with the full consent of the patient involved, and will only ever be done in circumstances relating to the patient's health, well-being and care. Examples of this include referral letters to GPs (or other healthcare professionals, when relevant), letters to places of work or to leisure/fitness centres to inform them of a patients care at Alpha Health.
Personal information is NEVER shared with third parties for marketing purposes, nor will we use a patient's email address or phone number for our own 'spam' marketing.
Personal information is stored on an external server (Cliniko Practice Management Software), that is password protected and access to this is restricted to clinic staff only. The servers used for storing data with this software are located outside of the EEA (European Economic Area), but Cliniko as a company are GDPR compliant. PCs/laptops, where information may be held, are password protected with devices never being left vulnerable for theft. Laptops are never left open and unattended while remaining logged in to the Practice Management software.
In certain instances it may be necessary to store personal information such as names and phone numbers on mobile phones. This is only in need of contacting patients regarding appointments. These devices are password and finger print protected, with the ability to wipe all information stored on the device in the event of loss or theft.
Direct contact via email or phone with patients is always aimed to be kept to a minimum, but is sometimes unavoidable.
For further information, please contact reception or speak with your Osteopath.